In order for your submission to be accepted by all of our partners, there are several specifications your audio tracks must meet.
To export your audiobook tracks in Audacity to meet audio specifications, follow these steps:
Select the Audio Track: Select the region you want to export by clicking and dragging your mouse over the waveform. If it's the entire audio file, you can press "Ctrl+A" (Windows/Linux) or "Command+A" (Mac) to select everything.
- Export Your Audio: In Audacity, go to the "File" menu and select "Export." Choose the "Export Selected Audio" option. A dialog box will appear.
- Set your File Name: For easy identification and sorting after uploading your tracks to Author's Republic, ensure that the file name you choose is indicative of the file. For example:
- OpeningTrack.mp3
- ClosingTrack.mp3
- SampleTrack.mp3
- Chapter1.mp3
- Epilogue.mp3
- etc.
- Set the File Format: Ensure that you have selected the "MP3 Files" option as the export format.
- Set the Bit Rate Mode: In the Export Options dialog box, ensure the bit rate mode is set to "Constant".
Set the Quality: In the Export Options dialog box, select 192 kbps or higher from the drop down menu.
- Select the Channel Mode: Select "Force export to mono" and ensure to stay consistent across all tracks.
- Note: We do also accept stereo tracks, whether you choose mono or stereo, please ensure all audio tracks are either mono or stereo.
Export Your Audiobook Track: Once you've configured the export settings as described above, click the "Save" button. Choose a location on your computer to save the MP3 file.
Repeat these Steps for Each Track.